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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Be Prepared!!!

Millions of people from all over the world are suffering from hunger, thirst, isolation and diseases. Watching the news about war for power, war against poverty, war against illnesses and even spiritual war, each of us have our own battle to face. How are we going to prepare and protect our family? There are lots of information we can get from our local fire station and red cross stations, and on-line. The government gives us the resources and guidelines on how we can be prepared with our family. Our problem is we don't set the goal to when we can start preparing. We have to act now before it's too late.

There are six phases of personal and family preparedness that have been stressed by some insititutional leaders: education, career development, financial, health, and spiritual preparedness, and home production and storage. Of course, we need to help care for those people who do not have adequate means. When we speak of family preparedness, we should speak of foreseen, anticipated, almost expected needs which can be met through wise preparation. This fact further underscores the need for family preparedness. But spiritually minded people finds that the preparedness encouraged by the Church—temporal, emotional, and spiritual—helps them feel more secure and cope more successfully with the trauma. Coping temporal preparedness starts with a year’s supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, fuel. It is truly the first step towards personal and family financial preparedness. We cannot progress without attending to our own personal and family preparedness on a regular basis. Preparedness is not something that is static; it is ever changing.

We need to be more responsible for the things that are yet to come and be prepared for it. We can't just set back and relax and blame our government. Of course, the government are playing a big role in our total national security but we are the one who make the government and we need to do our part-start from ourselves and our family.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Gratitude in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving celebration has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans. It was actually first observe to keep a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. This is also to commemorate the ceremonies of thanks among European settlers in North America, including British colonists in Berkeley Plantation, Virginia. Near the Charles River in December of 1619, a group of British settlers led by Captain John Woodlief knelt in prayer and pledged "Thanksgiving" to God for their healthy arrival after a long voyage across the Atlantic.
The tradition have been long foretold but sometimes we only care the need of Turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. I consider the celebration not just a mere feast for family crowded the dinner table but to celebrate the goodness of the Lord for sustaining us all year round with His bounteous blessings. We have to develop in our hearts the feeling of gratitude and the spirit of thanksgiving. Isn’t that a wonderful thought to live in thanksgiving daily? Count your every blessings and for all of us Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Divorce. Is this the only way?

Despite the truth about the sanctity of marriage, divorce become a commonplace in many societies and has increased even among Christians. Too often, it is the bitter fruit of anger and failure. Divorce is an ugly word and a shattering experience, but the victims are not ugly or evil people, especially the children. Couple needs to consider that the cure of most marital troubles does not lie in divorce. If you are married and you and your spouse experiencing difficulties, remember that the remedy for most marriage stress is not in divorce or separation.

Studies show that the main causes of divorce among couples are failure by husband and wives in discharging their responsibilities, the others were low grounding in religion, interference by third parties, difference in culture, sexual problems, money and careers.

Marriage is a very difficult institution to hold together. It is a hectic life. It's stressful. But successful marriage is possible...the key is communication. Ask about your finances, which church to go, how many times you need to visit your relatives every year, how many children you both want, things like these can cause problems and disagreements and they can add up quickly and lead to divorce. But too often, couples don't do it too soon enough. Marriage takes a lot of give and take, a lot of loyalty to the other person and a lot of love and caring.

So, why people get divorced when most common reasons are preventable? The top reasons were 'lack of commitment', 'too much conflict and arguing', and infidelity - reasons that can be addressed by counseling and interventions included in various healthy marriages.

Think of what is the effect of divorce on your children's lives. It is a stressful experience for all children regardless of age or developmental level. The pain they experience composed of a sense of vulnerability as the family disintegrates, a grief reaction to the loss of intact family, loss of non-custodial parent, a feeling of anger as the disruption of the family and strong feeling of powerlessness, but one of the most profound effects is in the impact on a child's later marriage.

The scriptures counsel against divorce generally and advise husbands and wives to love each other in righteousness (Matt 19:3-9). Think of your marriage vows, the sweet memories of courtship, and the gifts God has given you in your marriage: your loved ones and your children. Afterall, it's worth saving your family and giving up your pride.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Blessings of Forgiveness

"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times'" (Matt 18:21-22)

An excellent definition of forgiveness as it applies to human relationships is freeing up and putting better use of the energy once consumed by holding grudges, harboring resentments, and nursing unhealed wounds. Forgiveness is not an option, it is a commandment. It does not matter how bad the offense, if we cannot forgive and allow the Lord to deal with it as He promised,we will have issues of resentment, anger, bitterness and depression.

Forgiveness is often difficult to others because offenders may deny their behavior or avoid acknowledging it. It is important to note that forgiveness does not necessarily mean forgetting the offense, trusting the offender, or even associating with him/her. There is no peace in being abusive to others in any way, whether it be emotionally, physically, or sexually for those who are abusive will remain in mental and spiritual turmoil until they come to Christ in all humility and seek forgiveness through complete repentance. And even the most hardened, may at times feel the prick of conscience and thus the need for forgiveness from God.

An attitude of forgiveness generates a feeling of peace and optimism about life. It is a blend of charity, forgiveness and respect; and it takes into account the realization that God stands at the helm and we are His children. If we develop that heart to center around virtues of love, compassion, forgiveness and long-suffering, we refuse to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us - the quality that enable us to deal with our fellowmen more compassionately.

If someone fails to give up their anger and trust in the Lord, standing ready and willing to forgive-they are committing themselves to bondage of their own anger and pride, and a slave of someone else's sin.