I pray that this issue will help us understand of the vital truth that chastity is the ultimate and perfect standard underlying all spiritual progression. There is no joy to be found in breaking this law. The primary reason for obedience to all the laws of chastity is to keep the commandments of God. Chastity has to do with the sacredness of the power of procreation. In fact, chastity and fidelity begin in the spirit, not in the body. Thus, chastity and fidelity are more than sexual abstinence before marriage and sexual fidelity after marriage. It can keeps you safe and makes your future marriage stronger. Please believe me when I say that chastity is worth more than life itself. Try to relate your feelings about the blessings of obeying the law of chastity.
Today millions of people are buying the rationale that chastity is outdated. But no matter how much we tried to keep ourselves from the truth, our gospel duty remain to do what is right and to love and delight in what is right. I delight in the chastity and purity of all women and men. How it must grieve the Lord to see virtue violated and modesty mocked on every side in this wicked world.
Amen Sister, good points.
We could definitely use a trend in modest dressing. It seems it is getting out of hand even with the kids.
Thank you for introducing me with the new word. I hope Chastity didn't have a degrade meaning in the future.
It seems to me that you are very inspired with your new post. I could feel it in my heart. Well, This is all true. Continue to speak with your heart.
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Mat 5:16
This is great! I never thought that someone would talk about this topic since it's a little heavy and I'm sure there are lots of people that would disagree but are not saying anything. Especially at our time, there's no such thing as sexual purity because teenagers can go run around with friends and parents no nothing what they are up too. Too late before they know it, their girls are already pregnant. I can tell where the values should start, it has to be from the family but even with parents there are a lot our there that would never take time to talk to their teens before it happens then they will burst out a big sermon when the kids had crossed outside the line. And chances are they will suggest to abort the baby or raise it for their young teens or let them live together until they are old enough to get married. Hello!
Hey, I have girls left back home since I'm working abroad and sure enough I don't know what they are up to but I trust my girls for the reason that I know what kinds of values they are trying to live. I think it is how parents teach them while they are young about the fear of God and the consequences of what they are doing. Also if they know the sacrifices of their parents for them, they will more likely live to what their parent's expectations. Most of all, don't forget to pray for our teens, I don't know if there's enough people out there who believe the power of prayer, but that's my only anchor since I'm away from home, but sure enough, they know how much I cared for them.
Dear WhiteShadow,
This is an ideal thoughts in the present era. Too many temptation around the human living, and these temptation never end.
There is always chastity and sin, goodness and badness, black and white, etc. Perhaps, The God let the negative part for testing human. Whether human could passed His examination or not. I rather thinking like this: "you have been told, and now your turn to choose your way"
Continue the faith and guard the goodness, and this blog is one of it.
Hi WhiteShadow,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your compliments and comments and the value you have on my opinion. I am both honeored and humbled at your invitation.
I enjoyed this article and I will be visiting more often. I will warn you, I can be a bit long winded with the comments. (**smiles**)
My God continue to bless you and keep you!
I really interest with this post..
I think Chastity also makes us look more beautiful thought the purity and simply. It will make us beautiful from inside..
Robin: Thanks for stopping by.
Queen-size funny bone: There are lots of outfits that are definitely great! Very modest yet very trendy and stylish. Even the simple one would look great. Kids will love those.
Hi Aldhis: You're welcome. I think it's not the meaning that degrades the word, it's how we consider it.
Hi Maria: I'm always been inspired and I hope that I inspire my reader here as it has always been to me.
AngelMist: You are right. The time the parent spend with their kids makes a difference in knowing them. We need to live by example.
Tiger-lily: Thumbs up, values starts at home. You will know your kids when they are out with friends and how they stand out for their standard in front of their friends.
Tikno: Yes, temptation is all around us sometimes it is within our hearts. Only he who have the desire to turn against their weaknesses have power over temptation. The reason why I always ask the Lord to purify my thoughts.
Hi Shanita Waters: I'm happy for your visit. You are very much welcome to visit more often as you want. Long or short uplifting comments will be gladly appreciated. Thanks again.
DEar Niar: You are right. We have to start looking from the inside to see the real beauty that never fades.
Hi White Shadow, I was visiting my dear sistah Shanita and found my way here. When I was teaching the young women in our youth at church, this topic came up and I remember telling them what an elderly precious women said to me one day to me as a youth..She said.. Lorie if you expect to attract a prince one day, you must dress like a princess. I really took that to heart, and knew what she meant and she was right. I met my prince.
Hi Joyful Sister: Great! I believe that wearing appropriate clothing is a way to get what you want for your self. If you want to be respected then we have to look like one, very much like with what you did "if you expect to attract a prince one day, you must dress like a princess."
Dear Whiteshadow, You are one of my tag blog love award on my new post today.LOL!
Great post! It's a difficult lesson for teen girls, since so much is expected of them in the way of fitting in. It horrifying the things they will say and do in order to be accepted!
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