Divorce is seen from a Christian perspective generally as less than ideal. Some see divorce as an unavoidable, but regrettable, part of life; others believe that a divorce is never truly recognized by God, and view it as universally wrong. There are many views in between these extremes.
This foundational principle was first articulated biblically in the Book of Genesis (2:24). Later, Jesus set forth his basic position on marriage by bringing together two important passages from Genesis (1:27; 2:7–25). He pointed to the completion of the creation — "male and female he created them." Then he described marriage as a relationship, a union, so intimate and real that "the two become one flesh." As persons, husband and wife are of equal value. In truth, they are one. Finally, Jesus added his emphasis on marriage being God-made and eternal:
In this view, I can't believe how many people accept this new trend of marriage that even Christians seemed to be okay with it? We are moving way far to what God taught us. How can we accept gay marriages, and 'live-in' couples. Several leaders in other churches still serving at their congregation after facing some sort of sexual accusations or after facing a rape cases, they just reassign them to a different location. Why don't they allow them to get married and commit such crime? Where is their devotion to their faith? How are they going to apply what they share to their believers? How can they call themselves as disciples of Christ? As advocate of Christ? We have to think what's going on here if who is true to the faith. Who's on the Lord's side, who?Have you not read, he replied, that at the beginning the Creator "made them male and female," and said, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh"? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate (Matthew 19:4–6, Mark 10:6–9).
You are a sharp young woman. Would you give me your honest opinion of www.PowerUpLove.com Let me know what you think?
Thanks for stopping by. It is great! It is very inspiring. Thanks for the invitation.
Thank you for your kind words. I find you blog inspiring as well, because it deals with the tough questions, about how we who claim to be Christians compromise our faith and deny God’s Word when we buy into the world’s views.
The message of the world today is “Change”. Your blog questions the theory of that “Change” and compares it to God’s unchanging Word. The Word of God, is the same yesterday and today, and is not understanding to the world’s message. Your are right, we have become so diluted in our thinking; “What is bad is viewed as good” and “What is good is viewed as bad” Keep up the tough questions, WHITEShadow:-)
Wow! This is very inspiring blog that is why I follow you.
Hi Iron_woman,
It's nice to see you here. Yeah, it is compact with wisdom that we need to help us closer to our Heavenly Father. I really tried to think of things that best suit to our time and these articles talks about it.
Happy Smile...
Amen! So many of our values are being attacked by sin masquerading as tolerance. I think some Christians tolerate these things out of fear of offending others or of losing parishioners. Many of those who support “alternative marriages” try to make us feel guilty for not being accepting; they say we are intolerant; that we are unloving. The truth is we do detest the sin, but we do love the sinner; and the best way to love the sinner is to be completely truthful. The Bible is more than clear in many places that these other relationships are wrong. Sodom and Gomorrah is a classic example. Marriage is God’s beautiful creation and I will defend it with my faith, with my love, with my vote, and with my actions! If I am asked to attend one of these “alternative unions” I will have to respectfully decline the invitation. God help me do it lovingly!
God Bless!
It is a great relief to know that there are lots of people who would willing to stand on a higher ground for the Lord. It is very true that lots of people has been deceived by the idea about marriage and how they exercise their so-called human rights. Even the opposition would say that there is ain't enough Christians who would make the difference, but not realizing that in a few number of faithful Christians there stand beside them the ever most powerful Supreme God. We just need to have that Christian courage to stand what is right for His sight.
Thanks for visiting my blog. May the Lord's blessing of love and peace be upon you and your family.
Happy smiles...
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